St John Cantius

St John Cantius

St. John Cantius was born in Poland, on 24 June 1390. During his studies for ordination, he was recognized as someone with exceptional intelligence and he eventually became the director of Philosophy at a prestigious university in Krakow. During the course of his life in Krakow, Father Cantius became well-known among Krakow’s residents for his generosity and compassion toward the poor. By the time he died in 1473, the people of Krakow had already considered him a very holy man. There is a story of a time when he encountered a crying servant girl who had dropped and broken a jug, and who was in dread of being punished. Father Cantius prayed for her as he helped her pick up the pieces of the jug. His prayers made the broken jug whole again, and the water with which it had been filled had turned into sweet, rich milk. There were also numerous miracles attributed to Father Cantius’s intercession following his death. St John Cantius is the patron Saint of Teachers, Students, Priests, and Pilgrims.